
All Projects

Fiber-Free Treatment of HVAC Noise

A fiber-free treatment for the attenuation of HVAC noise in an infamously noisy room in the Purdue Mechanical Engineering building.

Acoustic Double Panel System Model

A mathematical model of a double-panel system, often used to significantly increase acoustic attenuation.

Lightweight Acoustic Lining Design for Aircraft Fuselage

The design of acoustic treatment for an aircraft fuselage using mathematical modeling.

Passive Acoustic Filter Design for Temperature Humidity Chamber

The design of a passive acoustic filter for a temperature humidity chamber.

Measurement of Tympan Directionality

Experimental testing of directionality characteristics of an open-source hearing aid.

Loudspeaker building

These are some speakers I built through the Acoustical Society of America and Audio Engineering Society student chapters at Purdue University.

Guitar Design

This solid body guitar was designed for a course in stringed instrument design.